Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Here And Now

There really is no better place to be.

This card draw today really hits home for me.  The Past is past and the Future not yet here, today this moment is all there really is.  I/we hear it all the time and for a brief few minutes, hours, or a day, we focus and stay in the Here and Now, then something or someone, most likely ourselves, leads off on a tangent then its all about anticipation or fear of tomorrow and lamenting about the past.
"Tomorrow is beyond your reach. Yesterday cannot return. The Now is all that is available to you." - booklet
Maybe I will make myself a couple of banners as shown on card and place one on my desk and another on dresser, HERE AND NOW, keep myself focused on the here and now.

Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid


  1. It’s been a while and I hope you are doing well. This card conveys such an important message which is so easily forgotten when trouble come knocking at our door. P.S: I tend to stick Post-it notes all over the place :)

    1. That reminds of the movie TALES OF EVERYDAY MAGIC-Painting the Future, a movie from HayHouse. The younger girl puts Post-It Notes all over her neighbor's house to help turn around his outlook on life.

  2. I really do try to base my days on Now. What usually gets me off track and tied up is worrying.

  3. Fear and Worry. They became my constant companions 5 1/2 years ago. I do pretty good with them since they came to stay. Mostly I keep them silent with their negative crap. They brought a lot of challenges in my life so it keeps me on toes to keep them in their place,

  4. Your post reminds me of Ram Dass's book that came out in the early seventies: Be Here Now. :)


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...