Sunday, July 23, 2017

Right or Left

This way or that?

Often, well more often than not, we have choices to make.  There are guide posts and helpful hints along the way; mostly though, we muddle through.  Along this pathway there is a split, right or left?  Left the higher ground, reason, thoughtful process. Right, emotions and heartfelt contemplation. The second card hints to going with the emotional choice.  Today if something needs to be decided I will go with what feels right.

CELTIC LENORMAND -  Chloe MeCracken   Artwork -Will Worthingon


  1. Hope this is just the type of day you love

    1. I don't seem to connect as well with oracle cards. This one was pretty straight forward. The author suggests reading 2 or 3 cards together for a daily draw. So the second card taking the path to the right and also towards the water, which is present in both cards, is the choice to make.

  2. Ride on, sister! (Looks like the rider is headed to the beach :D).


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...